Wednesday, October 30, 2013

#117 - Take Pictures of 30 Non-Domestic Animals Update's a possum :p It's a dark picture, but that's the only time they come out. We have quite a few possums up here by my apartment and I swear these things have no fear of humans AT ALL. When Charli first started to come around she was scared to come inside or even too close to me so I would leave her food outside. Well I would open the door sometimes and find the damn possums sitting there right outside my door eating the food and half the time they'd look right up at me and wouldn't run away until I actually yelled at them to leave. I've always found something oddly cute about possums even though they're actually quite nasty little animals and there's nothing cute at all about them when they hiss at you :p I have not had one hiss at me before, but my sister's ex had one get pissed at him once and it was nothing pretty, lol.


  1. not what I would expect at your apartment bldgs!

    1. Oh god we have TONS of possums. That's one thing there's not a shortage of in Louisiana...possums and neutrias.

  2. I think opossums are cute too! Someday I'll have to tell the story of how our cat Buster and an opossum scared the ever-living crap out of us. :P
