Wednesday, October 9, 2013

#88 - Experience 50 Different Fruits Updates

Guess what? I've never cut a kiwi and eaten it fresh before! Here's a good example of my intentions behind this goal. It's not so much to only eat fruit that I've never had before, but also to truly savor and experience different fruits that I've never truly appreciated. I know I've tasted kiwi in a fruit salad or on a cake, but if you asked me to tell you specifically what kiwi tasted like or if I closed my eyes and blind tasted kiwi, I couldn't really tell you what it was. So I bought a kiwi and cut it up myself and tasted it :) They're odd little fruits aren't they? All fuzzy on the outside and then FULL of seeds on the inside. But they are SO gorgeous when they're cut up!

I have to say that this has by far been my favorite of the fruit goal so far!!! This was absolutely divine and the entire kiwi was gone in probably a matter of 15 seconds. I probably sounded like I was having an orgasm in my kitchen eating this thing :p There were lots of "mmmmms" It has a deliciously lime like flavor without being sour...perfectly sweet..and I love the crunchiness of the seeds too. I could do some damage with some kiwis!

I also had a bosc pear this week which I've never had before. I usually eat bartlett know the green ones. But I've never had these bosc pears before. They're super hard and look like a potato! I'll tell you what I did with it in the next post ;) I'll tell you now that it was freaking amazing. So two more fruits added to the list!


  1. Yum! We all loved kiwis! Never had a bosc pear though.

  2. The kiwi was SO GOOD! I bought an apple pear or asian pear this weekend so that'll be next! It's strange looking :p
