Friday, September 27, 2013

#88 - Experience 50 Different Fruits Update

The second fruit to "experience" was a peacharine! Yep, a cross of a peach and a nectarine. It looks just like a peach from the outside and sadly I forgot to take a picture of it from the outside :( I let it get really ripe before eating it because I like super sweet fruit. I peeled the skin off and cut it in half and this is what it looked like:

Didn't have the orange color of a peach! The fruit was much more on the whiter side and the pit was really big. It smelled delicious! I took out the pit and I'm drying it along with some seeds from the passion fruit the other day because you never know what I'll want to try growing some time in the future :p I chopped it up into some tiny pieces and here's what I got:

The verdict? Meh. Not too great and not something I'd buy again. I've found that hybridizing fruit normally doesn't result in anything too spectacular. A fruit normally tastes best when you let it just be itself. This fruit had a really bland taste to it actually and was somewhat mealy. Every now and then I'd have a bite that was good and juicy and perfectly ripe, but overall, not fantastic. But I didn't want to throw it all away, so I thought to can I make this more palatable and delicious...and I turned it into this :p

I know that's not the most appetizing picture in the world, but let me tell you just how good that tasted! What you see up there is the peacharine mixed with a spoonful of nutella and a handfull of honey granola with dried mixed berries. Oh THAT was good :p If anyone can make something healthy UNhealthy, it's me :p I think you can add nutella and granola to anything and make it good :p

Excited to see what other fruits await me!


  1. ah nope that one didn't do anything for me either LOL

    1. Didn't do tons for me either :p Won't go out of my way to buy a peacharine again :p
