Saturday, September 5, 2015

Let's Plan The Week 9/5 - 9/11

I love to do lists. I always have. I just love lists in general really. There's a really awesome sense of accomplishment when you can scratch that thing off of the list and not just see that it's actually done but you get the joy of seeing the list get shorter too :) I also have pretty bad anxiety and I get overwhelmed keeping everything in my head that I need to do. So making lists makes me feel so much better because once it's out of my head and onto paper and I know I have somewhat of a plan, I don't have to think about it 24/7 anymore. Seriously, there are nights where I will spend god knows how long tossing and turning because I can't shut my mind down from thinking about everything I need to do. So I thought I'd start planning my weeks out here with all of the things that I need to get done. This way I can also delegate different tasks to different days to make things more realistic. And then I can come back and edit this post as needed and start a new one each week :)

Saturday 9/5
  • Get hair cut if I wake up early enough. Seriously I have GOT to get this done. My hair is driving me nuts and long hair might have looked good when I was 16 but when you have a receding hairline, it just doesn't look good anymore.
  • Mail check to doctors office
  • Pay bills
  • Pick up prescription at CVS
  • Call back two new potential clients that left voice mails to schedule sessions
  • Text Austin to see if he's coming to dad's tomorrow
  • Work 3-11
Sunday 9/6
  • If Austin comes in town, move furniture out of dad's house
  • Clean bathrooms (at least tubs)
  • Laundry
  • Clean up patio (throw away old plants)
  • Put algae cleaner in Baxter's tank
  • Go to whole foods for a few groceries
  • Make lunches for the week
  • Catch up on emails/blog reading hopefully! 
Monday 9/7
  • BBQ at mom's with michelle, peyton and dad
  • Bring dry cleaning to moms
  • Bring books to moms
  • Bring gates to moms to go in attic
  • Client at 7p
  • Possibly 2 other clients depending on phone calls?
  • Catch up on emails/blog reading hopefully part 2! 
Tuesday 9/8
  • Clients at 1p and 2p
  • Work from 3-11
  • Tell martha I need off on 9/15
Wednesday 9/9
  • Wash car and clean inside
  • Deposit checks from clients
  • Work from 3-11
Thursday 9/10
  • Possible clients at 1p and/or 2p
  • Work from 3-11
Friday 9/11
  • Get oil changed
  • Work from 3-11


  1. OMG--that whole first paragraph, I so could have written that!!! That is just so me! I get to the point of paralysis if I just leave things in my head.
    I'm going to look forward to these posts each week, getting a look at your plans for the week. :D
    Btw, Rich has a request--if you don't mind, could you add a subscribe button thingie to your blog so he can sign up and get email notices when you post? :)

    1. I always love looking at your lists too whenever you post them on your blog :p There's something about being a list maker that just makes you enjoy reading other people's lists too, huh? Plus I just love seeing what's going on in your life :) It makes me feel like I'm there with you in a way :)

      Subscription button thingie added!

  2. you make lists so you can stop thinking about things.. I make lists because if I don't, I don't remember them!!!!!
